Student activities: Advanced Manufacturing #TA3exchange

Advanced manufacturing is the use of cutting edge technology to improve products or processes, and it faces 2 important challenges: Digitalisation and the shift towards more environmentally sustainable production. Do you have student projects, activities or challenges in your college related to #Advanced Manufacturing? Encourage your students to record and explain your AM workshops, AM…

Student activities: Health and Energy. #TA3exchange

Do you have student projects, activities or challenges in your college related to #health or #energy ? Encourage your students to record it Timing/length: 2 minutes max. Upload it to your YouTube channel Send the video link to  before 14 March 2021  All submissions received may be included in future TA3 media campaigns, publications and…

Students activity in Culinary Arts. #TA3exchange

TA3 invites you to cook your traditional, sustainable, healthy, and solidary recipe!!!! Record your recipe Timing/length- max 2min- Upload to your You Tube Channel. Include in your video: What solidarity action you will carry out with this food. Send the video link to before 28th   With this activity you will contribute to World…